profile image - pencil sketch of a man with grey hair and beard seated next to a small table. The man is reading a book and there is a glass of red wine on the table A twitter of inconsequent vitality
Ian Mason | @thedimpause

Poetry Journal

In addition to my book journal I’m going to start trying to record some of the poetry I’m reading by noting down the poetry books I’m looking at as from mid-August 2018. More often than not I am selecting individual poems to read rather than completing a volume from cover to cover.

Ordered alphabetically by poet’s surname

Simon Armitage

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Charles Baudelaire

  • The Flowers of Evil (translated by William Aggeler)
  • Flowers of Evil (translated by George Dillon and Edna St. Vincent Millay)
  • The Flowers of Evil (translated by James McGowan)
  • Baudelaire - Poems (translated by Richard Howard, Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets)
  • Le Fleurs du Mal (translated and adapted by John E. Tidball)
  • The Flowers of Evil (translated by Anthony Mortimer)
  • The Flowers of Evil (translated by Cyril Scott)
  • Selected Poems (prose translations by Carol Clark)

Fiona Benson

  • Vertigo & Ghost

Liz Berry

  • Black Country
  • The Home Child

Brian Bilston

  • You Took the Last Bus Home

Paul Birtill

  • Bad News

William Blake

  • Blake - Poems (Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets)

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  • The Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Frederick Warne and Co. 1850 edition)

Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  • Poems and Letters (Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets)

C. P. Cavafy

  • The Complete Poems of Cavafy (translated by Rae Dalven)
  • Complete Poems (translated by Daniel Mendelsohn)
  • The Collected Poems (translated by Evangelos Sachperoglou)
  • Cavafy - Poems (Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets)

Dante Alighieri

  • The Divine Comedy (translated by Clive James)

Emily Dickinson

  • Dickinson - Poems (Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets)
  • The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson (Faber, edited by Thomas H. Johnson)

Lawrence Durrell

  • Collected Poems 1931-1974
  • Selected Poems (edited by Peter Porter)

T.S. Eliot

  • Selected Poems

Ella Frears

  • Shine, Darling

Annie Freud

  • Hiddensee

John Gay

  • Selected Poems (edited by Marcus Walsh)

Allen Ginsberg

  • Howl and Other Poems
  • Selected Poems 1947-1995

PJ Harvey

  • Orlam

Selima Hill

  • Gloria (Selected Poems)

Ellen Hinsey

  • The Illegal Age

Michel Houellebecq

  • Unreconciled (translated by Gavin Bowd)

Clive James

  • Nefertiti in the Flak Tower

John Keats

  • The Poetical Works of John Keats (Collins)
    Keats - Poems (Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets)

Jack Kerouac

  • Poems All Sizes
  • Book of Haikus

Nick Laird

  • Feel Free

Philip Lamantia

  • The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia

D. H. Lawrence

  • Pansies
  • Selected Poems (edited by Keith Sagar)

Denise Levertov

  • Poems 1960-1967

Gwyneth Lewis

  • Zero Gravity

Louis MacNeice

  • Autumn Journal
  • Selected Poems of Louis MacNeice (edited by W.H.Auden)
  • Selected Poems (edited by Michael Longley)

Edna St. Vincent Millay

  • Edna St. Vincent Millay - Poems (Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets)
  • Wine from These Grapes (Harper & Brothers)
  • Collected Poems (Harper & Row)

Daljit Nagra

  • British Museum

Don Paterson

  • The Arctic
  • Rain

Brian Patten

  • Little Johnny’s Confession

Fernando Pessoa

  • A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems (translated by Richard Zenith)
  • I Have More Souls Than One (translated by Jonathan Griffin)
  • Selected Poems (translated by Jonathan Griffin)

Arthur Rimbaud

  • A Season in Hell / The Illuminations (translated by Enid Rhodes Peschel)
  • Rimbaud Complete: Poetry and Prose (translated by Wyatt Mason)

Michael Rosen

  • Fighters for Life

George Seferis

  • Collected Poems (1924-1955)

Frederick Seidel

  • These Days
  • Ooga-Booga
  • Widening Income Inequality
  • The Cosmos Trilogy

Percy Bysshe Shelley

  • Lyrics and Shorter Poems (Everyman’s Library)
  • Longer Poems, Plays and Translations (Everyman’s Library)
  • Shelley - Poems (Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets)
  • The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley Vol. II (edited by C. D. Locock, Methuen)
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley (selected by Fiona Sampson)
  • Poems of Shelley (edited by Sir Henry Newbolt, Nelson Classics)

Hannah Sullivan

  • Three Poems

Anastasia Taylor-Lind

  • One Language

Jean Toomer

  • Cane

Ray Vickers

  • Wood Chippings


  • Ten Poems about Music: The Blue album (selected and introduced by Cerys Matthews)
  • Penguin Modern Poets 13: Charles Bukowski, Philip Lamantia, Harold Norse
  • City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology (edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti)
  • The Fire of Joy - Roughly Eighty Poems to Get by Heart and Read Aloud (by Clive James)
  • Off the Shelf - A Celebration of Bookshops in Verse (edited by Carol Ann Duffy)
  • 101 Sonnets (edited by Don Paterson)

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