profile image - pencil sketch of a man with grey hair and beard seated next to a small table. The man is reading a book and there is a glass of red wine on the table A twitter of inconsequent vitality
Ian Mason | @thedimpause

@jasraj You asked …

I really don’t see the need for post auto-deletion on the Microblog platform.

What is the appeal? To me it just seems to be the awful Snapchat ethos.

I’d rather people took responsibility for what they post, either standing by their comments or admitting their mistakes.

Also feel that it doesn’t value anyone who’s taken the trouble to read, consider and respond to the posts you discard. Presumably their replies are trashed too, or just made nonsensical.

Ultimately, if you really want go down this route you do have the power to manually delete your own posts and data.

(This reply may be an exception to my rule 😉)

@pimoore @uncertainquark @manton

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